Title: Everybody wants to rule the world Fandom and Pairing: multifandom; Yoochun, Jaejoong, Seunghyun, and Hyunjoong Rating: PG Word Count: 200 words Summary: "Then outta nowhere you tell me to break outta the country and into more country." Warnings: N/A
Title: Could've, Should've Fandom and Pairing: SNSD, gen Rating: G Word Count: 200 Summary: Tiffany's got a secret everyone already knows. Warnings: None
Title: Run Away Fandom and Pairing: H.O.T; Jaewon Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: Everything that happened was his fault. Warnings: None, but based off of the rape scandal.
Title: Flexibility and Ambidexterity Fandom and Pairing:DBSK Changmin/Junsu Rating: G Word Count: 200 Summary: Tight spaces and new places make for tense moments. The anger at each other? More a reflection of their personal inner insecurities and fears than an actual complaint against the other. Warnings: None.
Title: what she left Fandom and Pairing: SNSD; Yuri/Jessica Rating: PG Word Count: 200 Summary: Jessica always did what she knew was right. Warnings: N/A
Title: Memory Span Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior (Yewook) Rating: G Word Count: 200 Summary: The memory span of a goldfish is three seconds. Ryeowook doesn't fare much better than that. Inspired by Memento. Warnings: none
Title: i've found a way (because of you) Fandom and Pairing: SNSD; Jessica/Tiffany Rating: PG Word Count: 200 words Summary: Jessica always has a place to go. Warnings: N/A
Title: mother may i Fandom and Pairing: Super Junior, Hangeng Rating: pg Word Count: 200 Summary: He’s grown up believing in what is right. Warnings: none.